How to spend the 10 most important minutes of your day

Visualization Techniques can Help You Tap into Your Subconscious Mind

The core technique of the most successful people in the world is visualization. It allows you to see the goal as complete in your mind. Because imagination harnesses our subconscious mind's power, it is highly effective. 

If we imagine our goals as complete, it causes a conflict between what we see and what we have. Our mind is wired to resolve these conflicts to create the reality we desire.

Visualization stimulates the subconscious mind's creative power, motivating it more to create solutions. 

You will also experience new levels of motivation. You may find yourself doing things you wouldn't normally do, but this will help you get closer to your goals.

Programming the Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a third way to increase success visualization.

It serves as a mental filter that filters out the 8 million bits and pieces of information flowing into our brains every second. 

The RAS thinks with pictures and not words. The RAS receives daily visualizations that feed it with the images it needs to filter information differently. 

Your RAS will begin to notice information that could help you reach your goals, which it might otherwise ignore.


Live in the Moment

While visualization can be a valuable tool, it doesn't mean that you have to think about your goals all day. Spending too much time on imagination can make it hard to live in the present. 

Daily rituals can help you strike the right balance between living in the present and thinking about the future. 

Pick a time when you can review your goals and visualize your future success. Do it at least twice every day, once in the morning and once before bed. This process usually takes 10 minutes or less.

Whether you meditate guided or unguided, visualize your thoughts immediately after you have completed your meditation. Visualizations are more effective when you reach a deeper state of consciousness during meditation.

To get the best results, you should read your affirmations or goals aloud. Close your eyes after each one and visualize the goal completed in your head.

Sound, smells, tastes, and touch can multiply the effects. Remember to add your bodilysensations and emotions if you have already reached your goal. This powerful visualization technique is very effective.

Research shows that scenes or images that are associated with intense emotion will remain in our memories forever. 

Visualizations will produce more power if we accompany them with passion, excitement, and energy.

After you've visualized each goal completely, it is time to let go. Release your goals and live in the moment.


Be Present Immediately

Focusing on your bodily sensations is a great way to feel the present instantly. It is impossible to be present in both the past and the future while focusing on your body.

These are just a few examples. Now, focus on your left foot. How are you feeling now? Take a moment to notice the sensation. 

Next, you will feel the sensitiveness in your right foot and take a few minutes to explore it. 

Congratulations if you could pay attention to your feet. You were fully present.

man sitting on the ground practicing visualize meditation

It is one of the most simple visualization techniques that you can use if your mind keeps drifting towards the future all day. 

Let go of all worries and fears. Change your focus to the future you envision. 

Furthermore, bring your attention back to the present.

You can visualize your goals and spend most of your time enjoying the rest of the day.

Hence, repeat your affirmations for a month, morning and night, woven into your very fabric.


Our Free Visualization eBook will Guide you Step-By-Step on How to Create a PerfectVision Board



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