Visualization Meditation: What it Mean, and it’s Benefits?

meditating with both hands up

What Is Meditation

Meditation is an ancient form of wellness that emphasizes compassion, mindfulness, and attention.

Couple practicing meditative visualization in the park

Meditation has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress, increase focus and concentration, and increase feelings of calmness and relaxation.

It's easy to do, and anyone can do it. 

Meditation resulted from Eastern wellness traditions such as Ayurvedic treatments in India or traditional medicine therapies from China and Japan.

It is now widely practiced and growing in popularity in Western countries. Meditation usage in the USA increases rapidly over the years.

There are many ways to meditate, as there are so many different practices.

  • You can also do a body scan or walk meditation.
  • Meditation on loving-kindness or
  • Mindful Meditation.

 However, it takes practice and consistency to reap the benefits of meditation. Below are some benefits of meditation: 

 Meditation's benefits

  • Focus and concentration are more effective
  • Increase self-esteem and self-awareness
  • Reduce stress
  • Assistance with managing anxiety and depression
  • Combat addiction
  • Take control of your pain
  • Encourage altruism

 What Is Visualization?

Visualization is a mental rehearsal. Visualization is simply a mental rehearsal of what you can do or have. These images are repeated daily for approximately five minutes. 

You can use your imagination to visualize yourself achieving any goal in your five-minute practice. Visualization has enabled athletes to perform better, almost as if they had superpowers.

back view of an unidentified lady sitting on ground and facing the wood
You can visualize your desired goals and dreams by doing a visualization exercise. Your dream life can be created by hyper-focus, confidence and the belief that you can achieve one goal at a given time. Continue this process until you reach your ultimate goal.

This power is yours, but the majority of people don't know how to use it. Visualization isn't only for athletes. It is used by top performers in every field and industry.

It would be best if you do this every day. It will increase your chances of achieving your dreams and goals.

It doesn't mean you have to think about your dreams and desires all day. Spending five minutes twice daily for your visualization exercise is enough. 

The Benefits of Visualization

To be able to envision achieving something, you must first desire it. A clear vision of your goal will help you have a better chance of success.

What other ways can you use visualization to help yourself?

Positive Visualization Replaces Negative Thoughts with Optimism.

Negativity states, "It is too difficult, you cannot do it." So why waste your time?

You can clear your mind and be free from internal and external critics to make you a better person.

You can see and feel the result of your efforts mentally. It also gives you hope.


Visualization Boosts your Confidence.

A career lady sitting behind the desk in her office

Concentration is energy-intensive. Therefore, it's an excellent mental exercise to focus on your dream and how you can achieve it.

Rehearsing a task before it happens can help you prepare your mind for it. 

You can stimulate your senses by immersing yourself in a mental image of victory. Hence, it will motivate you to believe success is possible.


Visualization is a way to Restore Balance.

Visualization can help you to relax and to organize your thoughts to reduce anxiety or stress.

You can overcome depression and insomnia by allowing yourself to be still during times of visualization.


What Is Visual Meditation? How Does It Work?

Meditation and visualization can be powerful tools to increase your awareness and consciousness by focusing your attention. What you focus on when you become aware is the main difference.

However, it is still true that "visual meditations" can be powerful tools for relaxation and healing.

You can use visual meditation for relaxation and healing. It can also help you reach deeper meditative states.

Man doing meditative visualization
It is helpful for an initial practice because it aligns your thoughts (or your thinking faculties) with your goal - to focus.

Visual meditation can help solve this problem by actively engaging our imagination in creating fiction. A visualization that is used to cultivate a positive mindset is equally valid.

Meditative visualization exercises have been used for centuries. Successful people today use meditative visualization techniques to reach their goals.

Visual meditation has enabled athletes to perform better, beyond expectations.

You can visualize your desired outcome by doing a visual meditation exercise. Your dream life can be created by hyper-focus, confidence and the belief that you can achieve one goal at a given time. Continue this process until you reach your ultimate goal.

This power is in you, but the majority of us don't know how to use it. Visual meditation isn't only for athletes. It is used by top performers in every field and industry.

It would be best if you do this every day. It will increase your chances of achieving your dreams and goals.

It doesn't mean you have to think about your dreams and desires all day. Spending five minutes twice daily for your meditative visualization exercise is enough.  

Some of Visual Meditation Health Benefits.

  • light bulb illuminate
    Increase performance
  • Reduces depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Improves state of relaxation
  • Greater compassion for others and yourself
  • Relieves body pain and headache
  • Improve your ability to deal with stress
  • It will make you experience better sleep
  • More excellent emotional and physical well-being
  • Increases your self-confidence immensely


Making it a Reality: Visualization vs Fantasy

Visualization is not the same as fantasizing. Fantasizing can be described as daydreaming. You create mental images without any reason or intention to act. But visualization exercise requires you to be alert and ready for action.

Realistic dreams require concrete, achievable goals. Whatever your profession is, there are steps that you must take, such as taking classes and developing your skills. You can be more aware of yourself and know the difference between peak performance and dream life.

Are you interested in adding visualization to your mindfulness or meditation practice? 

These are Five Ways to Get Started with Visual Meditation. 

Free guide to vision board creation1.      Focus on one aspect of your life, then close your eyes. What are you looking to improve or progress? 

Focus only on that one thing in your head. You can now push further and envision the best outcome for this area of your life. It could be five years away, or it might be six months. 

You can crank the volume on your dream or desire to the maximum. What is the ultimate reality? 

It would help if you did not use limitations and negativity to dismiss any situation. Meditation is for getting carried away. Allow your mind to take you elsewhere.

Once you have decided what you want, draw a picture of it in your head and then connect to it. Your goals should be a part of your life. You should be able to feel connected to your goals. 

2.     It would help if you chose something big enough to motivate you, but small enough that you can chase it. A movie or picture should accompany each goal you have.

Hence, it is a picture you should be capable of stepping into and fully engaging within your head. Let this image engulf your senses and begin to imagine:

  • What is going on around you
  • Where are you
  • Who's there with you 
  • What's the latest happening

It would be best if you now had explored all aspects of your visual meditation. Now it's time for you to get out of your meditative visualization. It is one of those moments when you are out of your body. As if you were floating in the air in your head, imagining yourself. 

3.      Take the visual meditation along and breathe in deeply as you focus your energy more on your visualization. All of your positive energy, intentions, and thoughts should flow into your meditative visualization.

Continue floating, for now, sail into the future and allow the visualization to be your internal representation of your hopes and dreams. 

As you are floating high above the scene, take a look at the bigger picture. What will they do to help you achieve your goals and dreams?

To make it feel real, visualize it.

4.     You can feel at peace and in sync with your dreams, and you will be able to bring yourself back into the present from your visual meditation exercise.

Focus on what actions you need to take to reach your goal. Keep your eyes closed. Finish your breathing exercises before you open your eyes.

5.      Once you have completed your visual meditation, take a moment and record the experience. You should also include the steps you imagined. This process will help you to focus on your dream and inspire action.

A vivid image will stick in your mind because it is associated with intense emotions and feelings. You can create powerful results by transferring your passion, energy, and excitement to your visualization.

lady wearing red swimsuit kneeling on surfboard and doing visual meditation
You can use visual meditation to motivate yourself. It's essential to let go of that goal and keep your eyes on the present. This visualization will become a reality if you take the right actions and make the right decisions.


There is an easy way for you to be present if this is something that you struggle to achieve.

Pay attention to the sensations that your body is making. It can be challenging to remain focused on your body while simultaneously losing yourself in the past or future.

Concentrate on your right foot. How do you feel? The sensation you feel is essential. Now, focus on it and let your attention drift to your left foot. 

Feel those sensations. You are present.

To bring your thoughts back to reality, you can use a meditative visualization technique. 

Let go of all your worries and return to the vision you have for the future. After you have taken a moment to look at it, return to the present.

Through visual meditation, you can achieve your goals and desires. It is equally important to invest your energy and time into the present.


Add Affirmations to your Visual Meditation Practice

Positive affirmations can help you increase the power of your visualization. If you need to lift yourself, repeat an affirmation that will help you visualize your goals and manifest them.

 Addressing the Problems

You may find it challenging to do the visual meditation exercise. Instead, you might try another type of meditation.

Sometimes, you can increase the visualization by doing a traditional meditation and then repeating the exercise.



Download "VISION BOARD MADE EASY" FREE, and Learn How to Create a Perfect VISION BOARD

Meditation visualisation


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